News and Updates

30 March 2013
Innovation Trail
USA: New program promotes local job creation and energy efficiency

A new program is expected to make some Western New York businesses more energy efficient. The community housing…

29 March 2013
Ensuring resource use efficiency in buildings through GRIHA

The construction sector in India is exhibiting major growth and represents a large destination for investments,…

29 March 2013
Architecture LIVE
The first 'SVA GRIHA' Certified Building in Maharashtra

SVAGRIHA, Simple Versatile Affordable Green rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, was introduced last year by…

29 March 2013
National Conference on Green Design (NCGD) 2013

The NCGD 2013 was inaugurated by the Hon'ble President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee and graced by Dr. Farooq…

28 March 2013
The New Indian Express
Building green dreams

At a time when the real estate sector is searching for a possible trigger, builders are zooming in on the concept of…

27 March 2013
Invitation: roadmap to green building strategies event | May 8, Chicago

The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is hosting the Green Building and Sustainability Strategies…