Application of green building procedures in public sector buildings will reduce carbon emissions in the UAE by about…
News and Updates
30 April 2012
TFM (blog)
Higher Ed Buildings earn top Green Globes rating
Two higher education facilities in British Columbia, Canada have now been recognized with the highest level of the…
26 April 2012
An affordable, greener way to urban growth
India has 23 cities with a population of more than one million. By 2050, two-thirds of the population will be living…
25 April 2012
Design Build Source
New limits on green star-design ratings
Changes to the Green Building system have added time limits on Green Star – Design ratings for buildings in…
25 April 2012
Washington Post
US: State's Green Building Council to meet, review new building standards, Plan Maryland
The Maryland Green Building Council is scheduled to receive presentations on Plan Maryland and new green building…
24 April 2012
The Economic times
Boost the energy quotient
Green buildings can play a catalytic role in driving energy efficiency. Green Rating for Integrated Habitat…