News and Updates

8 June 2014
The Economic Times
India to implement code for energy saving, green buildings construction by 2017

It will be mandatory for all state governments to implement by 2017 the minimum requirements for energy efficient…

6 June 2014
The Telegraph
Go-green message on Environment Day: PWD concepts for urban homes

The Assam public works department has taken up a green-building concept in Assam, with New Delhi-based TERI (The…

5 June 2014
The Times of India
Rs 150 crore multi-specialty hospital taking shape

The much-awaited construction of the super-speciality hospital in Madurai has begun and is carried out in full swing…

5 June 2014
M F Monitor
Green Footprint of a Blue Water Navy

As guardians of maritime frontiers, the Indian Navy deploys ships, submarines and aircraft that consume energy…

4 June 2014
The Times of India
Environmental survey comes as a wake-up call for many

The World Environment Day has come as a wake-up call for many. TERI's (The Energy and Resources Institute) latest…

28 May 2014
The Times of India
Government houses in city to don new look

The brick red government houses in Chandigarh are set to go green as, from the government houses designed by…